VOLUME 9 ISSUE 2, 2018
Published October, 2018
Print ISSN: 2467-8406 | e-ISSN: 2467-8392
Citation: (2018) 9 (2) Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy
Afe Babalola University, Ado Ekiti, Nigeria
Editorial Comment
Damilola S Olawuyi
1. Turning Fish Soup Back into Fish: The Wicked Problem of African Community Land Rights
Robert Home & Faith Kabata
2. Sustainable Development Laws in Ethiopia: Opportunities and Challenges for their Implementation
Teferi Bekele Ayana & Wekgari Dulume Sima
3. Environmental Rights in Ethiopia: Shifting from Theory to Practical Realization
Desalegn Amsalu
4. Managing Contingent Liabilities Arising from Public Private Partnership Projects
George Nwangwu
5. Addressing the Energy Consumption-Economic Growth Nexus: The Nigerian Case
Omolola Olarinde & Abraham Adeniran
6. The Treasury Single Account and the Search for Effective Revenue Management in Nigeria’s Oil and Gas Sector
Law Amadi & Peter Chukwuma Obutte
7. Oil Production and Host Community Relations in Nigeria: The Limits of the Utilitarian Approach
Lola Ayotunde
8. A Review of the Nigerian Oil and Gas Local Content Regime and its (Non-) Compliance with the TRIMS Agreement
Uchenna Jerome Orji
9. Advancing Electronic Voting Systems in Nigeria’s Electoral Process: Legal Challenges and Future Directions
Obinne Obiefuna-Oguejiofor
10. Stay of Proceedings Pending Arbitration: Protecting the Interests of Third-Parties to Arbitration in Nigeria.
Taofeeq N. Alatise
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