Symposium on Implementing Sustainability in the Curriculum of Universities: teaching approaches, methods, examples and case studies
Manchester Metropolitan University, Tuesday 7th March 2017
One of the major barriers to the wide incorporation of matters related to sustainable development at higher education institutions, is the fact that sustainability is seldom systematically embedded in the curriculum. Yet, proper provisions for curricular integration of sustainability issues at part of teaching programmes across universities is an important element towards curriculum greening.
Despite the central relevance of this topic, not many events have specifically focused on identifying ways of how better teach about sustainability issues in a university context.It is against this background that the “Symposium on Implementing Sustainability in the Curriculum of Universities: teaching approaches, methods, examples and case studies” is being organised by Manchester Metropolitan University, in cooperation with a number of institutions of higher education active in this field. It will involve researchers in the field of sustainable development in the widest sense, from business and economics, to arts and fashion, administration, environment, languages and media studies.
The Symposium will focus on the means to implement sustainable development in teaching programmes and will contribute to the further development of this central topic.The aims of the “Symposium on Implementing Sustainability in the Curriculum of Universities: teaching approaches, methods, examples and case studies” are as follows:i. to provide teaching staff at universities active and/or interestedon teaching sustainable development themes with an opportunity to display and present their works (i.e. curriculum innovation, empirical work, activities, case studies practical projects);ii. to foster the exchange of information, ideas and experiencesacquired in the execution of teaching courses, especially successful initiatives and good practice;iii. to discuss methodological approaches and projects which aim to offera better understanding of how matters related to sustainable development can be tackled in university teaching;iv. to network the participants and provide a platform so they canexplore possibilities for further cooperation.Last but not least, a further aim of the event will be to document and disseminate the wealth of experiences on sustainable development teaching available today. To this purpose, the peer-reviewed book titled “Implementing Sustainability in the Curriculum of Universities: teaching approaches, methods, examples and case studies” will be published, with all accepted papers. This will be part of the award-winning “World Sustainability Series”, published by Springer, one of the world´s top five scientific publishers.
Further details can be seen at:https://www.haw-hamburg.de/fileadmin/user_upload/FakLS/07Forschung/FTZ-ALS/Veranstaltungen/_PDF/Symposium.SDintheUK.2017-1.pdf
ILA Nigerian Branch 3rd Annual Conference
25 October 2016 - Sheraton Hotels and Towers, Abuja, Nigeria
Theme: Emerging Developments in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Sector: International Law Responses, Policy Issues and Adaptability.
Keynote Speaker: Professor Catherine Redgwell, Chichele Professor of Public International Law and fellow of All Souls College, Oxford.
More information is available here
Call for Papers: International Conference on Administering Justice in the 21st Century
August 4th & 5th 2016| Brighton Business School,
University of Brighton, Brighton,United Kingdom
Deadline for submission of abstract: June 3rd 2016
Notification of acceptance/rejection: Within 14 days of receipt
Deadline for early-bird registration: May 31st 2016
Conference date: August 4th to 5th 2016
More information is available at http://blogs.brighton.ac.uk/administrationofjusticeinnigeriaconference/
July 6-15, 2016 | Columbia Center for Sustainable Investment, New York
In seeking to promote responsible investment in agriculture and encourage sustainable development, countries face both challenges and opportunities. These include: developing robust legal and fiscal frameworks; negotiating equitable deals with investors; leveraging investments for greater sustainable development outcomes; and mitigating environmental impacts while protecting human rights.
To help stakeholders in addressing these issues, the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment (CCSI), Columbia Law School, New York, has developed an executive training program on international investments in agriculture. This program was held for the first time at Columbia University in March 2015. The next annual training is planned for July 6-15, 2016, and will include two additional days of training to allow for an expanded curriculum.
More information is available here
OGEES Institute, in conjuction with the Green Campus Initiative, Nigeria, is organizing a research seminar on January 22, 2016.
Venue: College of Law Auditorium, Afe Babalola University, Ado Ekiti
Speaker: Christinah Oyenuga, Associate Research Fellow, OGEES Institute
Panelist: Adenike Akinsemolu, Chief Executive Officer, Green Campus Intitative.
More information on how to participate and register is available here
The Nigerian Association of Law Teachers (NALT) will hold its 48th Annual Conference from May 31-June 5, 2015. This year's conference will be hosted by the College of Law, Afe Babalola University, Ado Ekiti, Nigeria.
This year's Conference will focus on trends and methods in legal scholarship, rooted in the fact that much of academic scholarship is to service the internal operations of the legal profession. The Conference will feature several speakers and scholars who will present novel thinking and fresh perspectives on the state of our legal education particularly with regard to interdisciplinary approaches to law. OGEES Director, Dr. Damilola S. Olawuyi will be presenting a paper titled "Methodology, Theoretical Framework and Scholarly Significance: A Review of International Best Practices in Legal Research"
More information on how to register is available here.
2014 Summer Institute on Extractive Resource Governance, Calgary, Canada
The Institute for Oil, Gas, Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (OGEES Institute), Afe Babalola University, Nigeria in conjunction with the School of Public Policy, University of Calgary, Canada, present a three-day Summer Course on Extractive Resource Governance, scheduled to hold from June 12-14, 2014 at the School of Public Policy, University of Calgary, Canada. This training will be held simultaneously with the Global Petroleum Show, holding in Calgary the same week.
The aim of the course is to promote a close examination of the policy, legal and institutional imperatives for investments in Africa’s extractive sector. The course will be facilitated by world class experts and scholars in the fields of resource governance and public policy.
Full information and registration details can be obtained here