The Institute relies on generous donations, endowments and supports from environmental advocates, philanthropic agencies, international foundations and the private sector to fund and achieve its research mandates and objectives. The section of the website would be updated from time to time in order to appreciate some of those that have contributed to the Institute in anyway.
Are you passionate about the environment, are you interested in supporting sustainable development research in Nigeria, Africa and in the world, please donate today. Sponsor one of our Fellowship or internship programs, sponsor our flagship publications or give online donations to our advocacy programs today. Stop climate change, stop gas flaring, stop oil and gas related conflicts; be counted amongst those who acted to save the environment from unattainable practices by supporting sustainability research. All donors would be acknowledged in any manner suitable to them (we welcome anonymous donors too), tax receipts would also be provided.
Donations can be made to the following programs and activities:
The OGEES Fund for international exchanges ( to sponsor our fellowship and internship programs, conferences and training events)
General operation sponsorship, to be used where funds are needed most
Restricted contributions to specific program areas
Contributions will be acknowledged on our website (at the donors’ discretion) at the following levels:
Donor recognition levels
Distinguished Sponsor: $US 5,000 and above: (this would include naming one of our programs perpetually after the donor): For example Goodman`s Fellowship in Oil, Gas, Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development Law or Irene Generouswoman’s Annual Energy Conference)
Platinum Sponsor: $2,500 to $4,999
Gold Sponsor: $1,000 to $2,499
Benefactor: $500 to $999
Principal Donor: $250 to $499
Donor: $100 to $249
Friend of OGEES: Less than $100
To make a donation:
By cheque: Please access the Gift Form for the Institute, by clicking here. Kindly complete the form with information about how you want your gift to be acknowledged and mail it with your cheque made out to Afe Babalola University (OGEES Institute). Mail to: The Institute for Oil, Gas, Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development, Afe Babalola University, 8.5 Afe Babalola Way,Ado Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria.
By direct wire transfer or to contribute other types of property: If you wish to make a gift through wire transfer or to contribute stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate or other types of property to the Institute, please call: +234 81 326 09015 or leave an email message at info@ogeesinstitute.edu.ng